Tuesday, June 5, 2012

seminar: John Will

Last Friday, we had another seminar. This time, I didn't have to travel, as John Will came to our school in Ballarat.

We had a two hour long session with the main theme Z-guard. We learned 3 back takes from there and one attack to front choke. Then we worked on 3 sweeps and another attack, being a figure four. One of the sweeps was a reverse Berimbolo, which is something I've been wanting to play around with for a while.

Interesting stuff, and I've been playing with Z-guard for a while. So it was excellent from my point of view. Since then, we've had one class where we've gone over some of the back takes, and I'm sure we'll do more sessions.

Photo by Kim Hamilton

1 comment:

  1. I would love to train with John Will. I plan on it some day. I'm sure it was a unique and wonderful experience. I haven't heard of the Z-Guard, though I am a bit out of practice, which may be why!

    Thanks for sharing this.

